Super Sam heeft ons nodig !

kleine Sam 5 jaar oud heeft kanker.
Hij heeft het dit pas te horen gekregen en nu wil Kathy van
Pixie Dust Studio hem steunen om deze strijd aan te gaan om kanker te overwinnen.
Hij zal veel in het ziekenhuis moeten blijven en hoe mooi zou het voor hem zijn als hij elke dag kaarten ontvangt van ons allemaal om hem te steunen, zodat hij niet opgeeft en weet dat iedereen met hem mee vecht. Zijn adres staat onderaan dit bericht.
Send them to Sam is a card campaign.
I am challenging all you talented ladies to help little Sam fight Cancer. Sam is a wonderful and strong 5 year old boy. His battle with Cancer is just beginning. He was diagnosed with Stage 3 Lymphoma this week. He has a very tough fight ahead of him. I would love everyone to join me in helping Sam fight this and WIN! Sam will be in the hospital for many months. I am starting a campaign to fill his days with tons of cards from all over the globe. What fun for Sam to know that people from all sides of the Earth are supporting and thinking about him. I am going to give him a map book and a ton of stickers. He will put a sticker on each location that his cards come from. How awesome would it be to cover the whole Earth with stickers from people supporting Super Sam. This will be a great adventure for Sam to watch the LOVE and SUPPORT from every corner of the globe. Lets each set a personal goal of one card a month, one card a week, or one card a day.
Keep them coming so he never stops looking forward to the next card delivery.

Ladies with a humble heart, I ask for your support in this Send Them to Super Sam campaign. I will provide updates from time to time to let you all know how Super Sam is winning his battle over Cancer. When he is victorious over Cancer we can all celebrate together in honor of the wonderful and brave Super Sam! I welcome anyone and everyone to join Pixie Dust Studio in the Send Them to Sam Card Campaign! Please take this blog blinkie and post it and link it back to the Pixie Dust Studio Super Sam link. Help pass this Campaign message along..lets spread the word, lets share the news. Cards are needed to help a little boy and his battle with Cancer!
Please send Cards and well wishes to....
Presbyterian/St. Luke's Medical Center
1719 E 19th Ave
Denver CO 80218
ATTENTION: Samual Humphries
It would also be great fun to include the Super Sam image on the inside, back or envelope or mention SUPER SAM ...that way Sam will know that he is a Superhero and he can win this fight!
I would love if you would leave a quick comment below if you are joining this campaign.:) Also, please grab the Super Sam blog blinkie on the sidebar and spread the news that there is a NEW SUPERHERO in town and he needs our HELP!!
Blessing and Hugs to everyone for your time and effort in this important mission!!